Sunday, October 31, 2010

Reflective Essay

Writing on my blog page has been a new way for me to learn to write this quarter.  Blogging is similar to writing typical English papers, but when you really think about it they have their differences. A typical English paper has one main focus and doesn’t really show the inner writer of the person. With a blog post a person can express their inner selves and focus on many things in their writing. For example when I blog I mainly focus on one topic.  I also get off topic but I quickly get back. This first quarter has really been nice. It had been my first time writing on a blog. I actually get to use my creative voice instead of my regular English paper voice. In my blogs I talk bout a range of things but one thing that I really talk about is the surgery I had this quarter. That topic takes up majority of my blogs. In that specific topic I express my feelings I ha towards the hospital and the surgery; my pains that were unbearable at times and minor at others; and my surroundings that put a little fear in me but not enough to scare me all the way. Blogging this experience was like writing a descriptive essay. This whole topic, with limited details, took up five of my blogs.  This quarter has been a difficult one, I was out for two weeks and I missed a lot of school and school work which really affected my life in a way that I did not like at all. When I first learned that we would be blogging, the first thought that came to my mind was, “Wow this class will be the easiest class ever” little did I know that I would be missing school and not be able to blog for a couple of weeks. While I was in the hospital, the only thing I could think about, besides the fact that I was in pain, was my blogging and my homework. My mother was the one who suggested that I blog about my experiences with my pains, surgery, pain killers, tests, and the recovery.

When the night nurse came into the room they gave me my first IV and connected it to some kind of fluid. The nurse asked me how bad my pain was on a scale of zero to ten, when zero was not at all and ten the worst of all. I told the doctor that I was at about an eight, so they injected 2ml of morphine into me. Slowly but shortly the pain left me and I was feeling a little better then I was before. On the scale I was about a four. The doctor soon came after the nurse and she pressed on my stomach and asked me where the pain was, I told her that it was on my abdominal pelvic area. When she was done pressing on my tummy she was telling me that she thought I had an appendicitis and I would have to drink two tubs of this drink that would light up my stomach when I had the CAT scan later.   

    I sat at my computer looking at the screen waiting for an idea to come to me. This is something I do before I write a blog. Other times I have to get up and walk around, let the blood flow through my body before I can actually get an idea. My inspirations for writing my blog posts come from all of my surroundings; all of the people in my life, along with my experiences like “An Unforgettable Time”.
My mother is one of my great inspirations to my blog posts. She helps me with all my writers’ blocks and when I just need ideas. I was in the hospital so I did not do a great deal of blogging like my class mates. Ever since I have been blogging I think about things more. When I am doing something, I think about it to see if it is something I could put on my blog. Because of blogging I was able to put up a poem I did “You Will Never Be Incorporated”, and get a little bit of feedback about it. I am more open with my writing now and I can easily write a blog, I used to have great difficulties with them. Doing the blogs have opened up my range on things that I view. When I take a look at something I will notice little details about it that someone else didn’t see when they looked at it. Incorporating these little details in the blogs or papers adds a lot more depth and clarity to that paper or that blog.
There was one time when I was at my house sitting down on my living room floor preparing to write a blog, my neighbor was over  and he watched me type up one of my blogs. He looked and did not recognize what I was doing, so being curious he asked me. I told him that I was blogging. He had no clue what blogging was so I explained to him what it was. Now he tells me that he has a blog of his own, he says he would prefer to blog for his school instead of write a formal essay. I introduced blogging to someone and now they blog. He gets to experience what I experience when I blog, instead of how I feel when I write an essay that I dread.
Overall, in my eyes my writing in this class has not yet improved to meet the standards that my mother and I have. I know for a fact that I could do better then what I have done this quarter. I just post blogs to get a good grade in this class just like some of my peers at school. I will not do that in the up coming quarter because I want to post something that will make people have to think about what I just wrote. When I think about it, I know that I will do better in the future, I will put forth more of an effort. I want people to have to really think about what I say. I want one of my blogs to be the topic of a discussion in class the next day. I want to have people commenting on my posts more frequently than they have already. I think that weekly blogs have positive sides and negative sides to them. A negative thing is people repeat what they say and they just put stuff up just for the good grade, even if it doesn’t make sense. A positive thing is people get to write what is on their mind and get the experience of daily writing.

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