Saturday, October 30, 2010

Continued from An Unforgetable Time

After being questioned and tested, i was wheeled into another room on my bed.  I had to change out of my clothes into the hospital clothes and it was a great challenge to move so like a little kid my mother had to help me. When i was done changing, the doctors who would be doing my surgery came into the room and questioned me again. Another nurse came to check my blood pressure and he did something with my IV. I was high off of the drugs so when he did something wrong with the IV and my blood started to drip onto the floor making a pool of blood, and got onto the white covers the only thing i could do and say was, "Oh no, I'm bleeding" while holding my arm up with the little strength i had. The blood got cleaned up a little later and i went into the bathroom to go to the bathroom before i went into surgery.

When i got back to my room, I climbed into my bed and i was wheeled to the surgery floor where it was freezing cold, we went through many doors and over many painful bumps on the floor. When we got to our stop we waited outside the room and the doctor told me what would happen next and not to be scared. I was left in the hallway with my mother and she just started crying. I did not understand it but she told me that she did not want me to have to go through this. She kissed me and we prayed, she told me she would be down stairs waiting while i was in surgery. I was wheeled into a very cold room, transferred onto the operating bed and had very warm blankets placed on me. I laid in the middle of all this equipment and  just looked around and saw a whole lot of faces. They said i would have another Iv placed onto me but they would do it when i was under the anaesthesia. My butt was placed in this little dip in the bed and my arms were spread in an A kind of shape. People were all around me talking, the only thing i could focus on was the man putting the anaesthesia over my face. I soon fell into a deep blank sleep. Not the kind of sleep where people dream but the kind of sleep where everything is black.

When I woke up I was in another room with two women and a whole bunch of equipment again. I had successfully gone through the surgery. I laid there for a second trying to figure out where i was, and why i was connected to so many machines. The lady soon saw that i was awake and came over to me smiling saying that i was okay. I tried to talk but my throat was hurting to bad. i pointed to my throat and one of the ladies explained to me that they stuck a tube down my throat and i would have sore throat for a while. They unhooked me from all of the machines and wheeled me into my recovery room. The only thing  could say was, can you go get my mother, and a few minutes later my mother came into the room and gave me a big hug. She took a seat next to my bed and just looked at me with a huge smile on her face. A few minutes later i had to go to the bathroom, so i called my nurse in and she helped me out of the bed and had me hold the pole that my IV was connected to. I slowly walked to the bathroom without knowing that i had no underwear on and i had something on my stomach. I was about to use the  bathroom when the lady said i had to pee in a cup so they could get some tests, so i did. When i was done and i got back to my bed, my mom started laughing and i asked her what was funny and she told me that my butt was hanging out of my gown. I quickly covered up my butt and asked for some underwear.

I got them and my nurse helped me put them on. A little later my doctor came in and checked on me, gave me some pictured and said that the surgery went very well. When she left I guess i went to sleep because I opened my eyes and my cousin was standing by my bedside looking at me. I did not know that she worked there but i was happy because she gave me some food. I had a Popsicle. cherry flavored jello, nasty broth that i never finished and crackers. I watched television until they said i could go and walk around for a while. So i got up and i walked around my floor and saw a lot of sick people. I was bent over like an old woman because i could not stand up straight. When i got back to my room I watched television until they said i could go home which was around two in the afternoon again. My mom went to get the car and i had to get dressed alone which was a great challenge. I sat on my bed when i was dressed and ready to go, until another lady cam into my room to get me. This time i was wheeled out on a wheel chair and it was  fun. I got to my car and i crouched over and walked over to my car. I sat on the seat and rested as we drove. We got home and i sat on the couch and rested.

My mom woke me up so that i could eat, we and spicy Chinese food, it was delicious. During the time i was at my house i sat on the couch and slept on the couch. My mom made me walk around a few times and get things for her and myself. One day my PE teacher Mr. Susa came by to drop off posters that my lovely school mates made for me and some chocolate. I had my brother and sister hold up the poster so i could read it and my mother said i could not have any of the chocolate, so i gave them some and made sure to save some for myself later on. I missed going to school and all of my friends, so i onky stayed home for a week on no pain medications and i was fine. I returned to school a week after my surgery but i had to be careful, and i had to wear my belly brace at all times. This is a time i will never forget.

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