Saturday, October 30, 2010

Continued from An Unforgetable Time

I already had an idea that they should not get that big, but i just sat and listened. When they were done talking to me about this they gave me and my mother two options, option one was i could get it surgically removed, option two was i could leave and be put on medications while they watched it to see if i would shrink or grow. My mother did not want me to get the surgery, she talked it over with my father on the phone and they decided that we would just watch it to see what happened. I guess i was still on the morphine because i was moving around perfectly fine and i could walk and kick and i felt no pain. Because of that they sent me home with vicadin and another minor pain medication, because I could not have morphine outside of the hospital. When i left the hospital it was about two in the afternoon. Me and my mom were very hungry so we got some food and went back to my house. The doctor said if i felt anymore severe pains that i should come back to the hospital for the surgery. At that moment i had no pain at all and i felt like i was on top of the world. When my dad got home he made jokes saying that i was only trying to get some attention and that i was not in any pain. We all laughed at that and went on with our lives.
This was a Thursday, and on Thursdays I have to go and coach my cheerleaders. Because i said i was feeling okay I tagged along and went to practice with my family. When we got there I was feeling a little pains but i did not say a word about it. I sat down fro a minute, then i told my mom that my stomach was hurting.  She asked me how bad it was hurting on a scale of zero to ten, i said about a six or seven. The other coaches walked over to me and my mom and said that i should go home if I'm not feeling well. My best friend came and gave me a hug and i just started crying because i was in a very uncomfortable pain. I took a vicadin but it did not work for me, so me and my mother went home and left my dad, little brother and little sister at the park. When i got home i sat on my couch that rocks and i out the heating pad over my belly and rocked until i went back to sleep. When i woke up my aunt was sitting next to me just looking at me. I was still in a lot of pain just like before, I'm guessing the morphine wore off. I could not get in a comfortable position and o kept on moving side to side, turning over and i could not stay still because o the pains. So my aunt left and my mom packed her bags with books and magazines, we were on our way to the hospital at eleven o' clock on Thursday night. When we got to the hospital I went through the same procedure i did the first time i was there the night before.
This time i could not even sit down in the chair. The night nurse that i had the night before cam in to check on me because when he left me the night before i was doing fine. He had a sad look on his face like he could feel my pain. I could tell he was sad that i was back, he asked my mom what was wrong and came and talked to me a little later. I laid in the bed still moving because of the pains. The nurses asked me a bunch of questions like if i was sexually active and if i smoked and if i drank. They put another IV into my arm and placed about six warm white blanket over me.

Continued on to next blog

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