Saturday, October 30, 2010

Continued From An Unforgetable Time

After my wonderful time in the CAT scan room, I got transferred back to my regular bed and one of my nurses rolled me back into my room. When I got back to my room i laid there for a while with my parents and watched television while they injected another 2mL of morphine into me for my pains.A little later another doctor came into my room and she pressed on my stomach to see where my pain was, I told her that my pain was low, so she pressed on it and examined my belly. A man came into the room with a big machine saying that he needed to give me an x-ray, i don't remember much about that because I was drugged up. But i do remember being in my room laying there waiting, i dosed off into sleep. It seemed like i was sleep for about two minutes before i was woken up by the doctor. The doctor told me and my parents that i did not have an appendicitis, but they found a cyst on my left ovary. They were not completely sure if it was  a cyst so they would have to check. I did not know what they were talking about so i just sat there.

 But later they wheeled me out on my bed to another the same floor as before with the CAT scan, but this time i did not get a CAT scan. Because they wanted to see inside my uterus which was under my bladder, they had to give me an ultra sound. They said i needed a full bladder in order for them to be able to see through to my ovary. So i sat there for about twenty minutes having to urinate but having to hold it. The gel she put on my belly felt good when she rubbed it around.  She took several picture of my insides and she said that because i had a full bladder she was able to get great pictures. As soon as i was done there i got up and ran into the bathroom to go to the bathroom (at that time i could run). I felt like a little kid because m mommy had to go into the bathroom with me just in case something happened to me. 

When i was done with doing my business, i got back into my bed and was wheeled back up to my room where i sat there for a long while. My dad had to leave to go and take my brother and sister to school, by that time it was about six o' clock in the morning. I guess i went to sleep after he left because when i woke up my room was full of unfamiliar faces of women. There were OBGYNs in my room and female doctors who specialized in reproductive systems. They informed me of my over sized cyst, which was 7cm, and they told me that it is normal for a woman to get cysts but they should not grow to be that big.

Continued to next blog.

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