Monday, September 27, 2010

An Unforgetable Time

I woke up on Wednesday morning feeling a little sick and having stomach pains. I paid it no mind because that was the day my menstrual cycle started. So I went on and I got ready for school and drove on to the store with my father. When we got to the store and I was feeling terrible so when my friend Alexia said hello to me i just looked at her and kept on walking straight to the aisle with the pads.

When I got to the school I was not feeling any better then when I woke up that morning. I still went through the first three classes. Before school started I went into the girls bathroom and I threw up into the big stall's toilet. I did not tell anyone about me throwing up that morning so I went to the classes and did the work that I could do. By the time lunch came around I was feeling horrible, I gradually walked to the College store and I bought me a bottle of water. When that did not help me Iwent into the office and I told Ms.Ahn that I was not feeling well. She was the first person that I told  I threw up that morning. Calling my mother to let her know I was not feeling well, like a concerned mother my mom told Ms. Ahn that she would call my father to let him know that I was not feeling well and that he should come and pick me up to take me home. He came a little while later and I was home.

Later that night at about twelve in the morning I woke up from my stomach bothering me. I kept moving around until about one in the morning. At one in the morning I was so bothered that I went into my parents room and told them that my stomach woke me up and I could not go back to sleep. My mother thought that I had an appendicitis, because when my little sister was six years old she had one and she had to go into an Emergency Surgery. When my mother got off the phone with the nurse it was about two I'm the morning. I put on a pair of my black sweats and a tank top and my puffy jacket. When we got into the Emergency room I could barely move and I was about to cry but I didn't. I had to go through a medal detector and I was really irritated but I did it, I had to get my blood pressure checked and my weight and a whole lot of these tests. I really thought that I was going to die because they were taking a long time and I was in a whole lot of pain. When they finally came to get me I had to go into this room and I had to change into the hospital clothing and lay in the bed. I was very uncomfortable because I could not get into a comfortable position because of what was in my body.

*Continued on the next Blog.

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