Monday, September 13, 2010

Rebuttal: Prostitution Should Stay Illegal

Here is my Rebuttal:

We all know that prostitution is illegal. Prostitution is illegal for reasons that bring danger to the citizens of America and even the people who are not citizens. The government can make this legal but that will not change a thing. They can make prostitution a business and they can put an age limit on the prostitution but that will not keep the youth out of being a prostitute. Our opponents state,
"Just like alcohol and drugs, children should naturally be kept away from them. this concept would be applied for prostitution. There would be an age required for prostitution as well."
Well now a days our youth are drinking and they are taking drugs, sometimes even hard core drugs that are illegal. This can be the same way if prostitution is legalized. A young person can get into the prostitution business if they want to because they have connections. Just like they have connections with getting drugs if they really need or want them, they can get into the prostitution business if they really needed to or if they wanted to, from  the connections that they might have. Legalizing it will not necessarily stop anyone from getting into it even if the government is involved.

Another point that we have is that when one of the prostitutes has a STD or is sick. When someone has a STD they can get with another person and it will spread like that. Making prostitution legal will not stop the disease form spreading. you can make this into a business but if one person gets a STD like AIDS or even HIV they will spread it very fast. the government can't stop the spreadoing rate of a disease, they can only try.

Our opponents may not think this is bad at all but we think it is. Having sex for money is not a natural thing to do. Sex is not something that should be with just anyone, and is not something that should be exchanged for sex. I understand that people like this and this is a way for them to get money, but when you think about it they are have sex with tons of different men and they are not really having a good time by getting their bodies invaded i know that I would not have a good time going to all different kinds of men everyday of my life. The women get depressed and they get spiritually hurt and in some ways they can get physically hurt.

In my opinion i think that prostitution is just an immoral thing to do. Making it legal will not make anything better. Okay the government will get invloved and they will take over the whiole system, the givernment can only do so much and can only go so far. So i do not think  that it wuld be a good idea to make this legal because of the impact it could have and of what things and people.

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