Monday, September 27, 2010

Continued From An Unforgetable Time

When the night nurse came into the room they gave me my first IV and connected it to some kind of fluid. The nurse asked me how bad my pain was on a scale of zero to ten, when zero was not at all and ten the worst of all. I told the doctor that I was at about an eight, so they injected 2ml of morphine into me. Slowly but shortly the pain left me and i was feeling a little better then I was before. On the scale I was about a four. The doctor soon came after the nurse and she pressed on my stomach and asked me where the pain was, I told her that it was on my abdominal pelvic area. When she was done pressing on my tummy she was telling me that she thought I had an appendicitis and I would have to drink two tubs of this drink that would light up my stomach when I had the CAT scan later. She was in the middle of telling me that I would not be able to eat anything or drink anything with the exception of the two tubs of stuff. Right when she said I could not have any water, my mouth started watering, so I asked her why my mouth was watering. She thought I asked her if I could have some water, so she said, "No you cannot drink anything" and I just threw up on the floor right in front of her and she just looked at me for a second and then ran out and brought me two barf bags.

When I threw up they brought me the first tub out of the two tubs of that liquid. The kind nurse mixed it with apple juice and made it taste better. When I first sipped it was a little good but as I kept drinking it got harder to drink and it got nastier with each sip I took. When I was done drinking the first one which took about an hour, they brought me the next tub and they said I had thirty minutes to drink that whole tub. It was horrible but I drank it all and they took a while to take me into the room where I was supposed to get my CAT scan. Because they took a long time my stomach decided that it did not want to keep the nasty liquid in so I threw up another time, this time I threw up about a tub of the liquid into the barf bag. After my second time throwing up I went up a few floors into the CAT scan room and I met a man who would be doing the scan. He was a very nice man, he told me that the machine would talk to me and tell me what to do, also later into the scan he would inject something into my IV that would make my whole entire body hot. When he left the room I was pulled into this big circle then the machine told me to breathe, then it told me to hold my breath. I had to do that a few times, then the man came into the room and said he was about to inject the stuff in me to make my whole body hot. When it was in my whole entire body got hot, I thought I was going to start to sweat but right before I broke a sweat it went away just as fast as it came.

Continued on to the next Blog.

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