Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You Will Never Be incorporated

Because I could not incorporate you in my life,
He unsympathetically picked me up.
Along for the ride were many others,
All mortals of an immortal life.

Speeding down the road
Like the bullets fired from our guns.
People’s hard work and sweat
For our pleasure and happiness.

Pausing on a street glancing at our work
Blood on the ground
Broken down buildings
The city, a ruin.

Today an on, days feel like centuries
I thought it was over on that day
I thought I had incorporated you in my life
But now I know, I never will.

This is my poem for Ms. Corbally's class I just wanted to get some feedback on it and I want people to tell me what they get out of it. Like what do you think it means to you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm frankly not much of a poetry reader myself (insert shocked remark about how an English teacher should know better!) but what this basically means to me is that a group of people have gotten together to navigate their way through a tough environment.

    Beyond that, on a more specific level, I have mostly questions.

    Mortals of an immortal life?
    GONE for our pleasure and happiness?

    And other lines, too...These two jumped out at me as the ones which, if I knew more about, would "unlock" more of this poem for me. But that's just my two cents.
