Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Book Post: The garcia Girls

In the book "How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents" there is a veinet that is called The Rudy Elmenhurst Story. In this specific story there were multiple scenes in which Rudy tries to get one of the sisters, Yolanda, to try and sleep with him. He uses different names for having sex that really turn her off. The main thing I wanted to talk about was the scene where they are in the bed and he tries to get her to have sex with him. This is their brake up scene and he is mad because she will sleep with him in his bed but she will not have sex with him. He tells her that guys need to have sex but she is not convinced that he is the one. He is finally tired of waiting for her so he dumps her and calls her names that make her storm out of the room.
In this quote you will see that he is tired of her holding out on him. He wants to have sex but she is not ready.

"I thought you'd be hot-blooded, being Spanish and all, and that under all the Catholic bullshit, you'd be really free, instead of all hung up like these cotillion chicks from prep schools.But Jesus you're worse than a fucking Puritan."... "I got up and threw on my nightgown, packed up my clothes, and left the room,..."

When a person first starts to read this book they will be very confused. In this book the story is told in reverse chronological order, which means we are reading from when they are grown women back until they were little girls. This is not the kind of book that I would have picked to read if I was picking something to read on my spare time. So far it has been an interesting but a person will start to get confused when the author switches stories fast and when the topic of the story or the focus of the story is changed. It was  hard to comprehend at first but once you start to read it, it becomes interesting and you get pulled in it. Working through the difficulty is a challenge but it is fun to know how a character ended up without even knowing their foundation that was set for them. I wonder what will come up in the second and third parts.

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