Friday, November 12, 2010

I Made It! continued

I had to pick a card and I got seven of hearts and I was very nervous because it was my first time doing this. I watched all the girls who went before and after me tryout as I peeked through the door. When it was finally my turn to go I ran out onto the floor and stood in "Game Stance" which is with my hands on my hips. I waited for my instructions of what I had to do. He finally told me that He wanted me to do jumps,heel stretch (hold your foot in the air with one of your hands), Scorpion which is hard to explain, cart wheel, round off, front roll and a back roll, and the motion drill. I did my first jump which was the toe touch and all of the judges had an impressed look on their faces. I got through with all of this, I did not even do my dance yet and all the judges were wowed already. I finally finished that with a smile on my face the whole time and full of spirit, ready to move onto the dance and the cheer .

The coach counted me into the dance, I did the dance very well and I was on beat the whole time. When I was done with the dance the music was cut off and it was time for me to do the cheer. I did the cheer and I did great the whole way through up until the very last part where I clapped at the wrong time. Other than that little mistake I did great in my tryout. When I was done a couple of people went after me and when they were done everyone was called into the room to do the dance all together. After we did that we were able to go home. They said they would call us that night. I did not receive my call until the next day and I was very anxious to hear how I did even though all of my friends and even my mother and father said I made it, I wanted to hear it from the coach. He finally called me the next day while I was cooking breakfast. I was so busy getting popped in the eye, arm, and neck to notice that my phone was ringing.

I was sitting at the breakfast table eating when I pulled my phone out and saw that I missed his call. I was very upset, I was waiting for that call all night and when he finally called I MISSED IT! I called back and did not get an answer so I left a voicemail. I called back a couple of hours later when I was at the Stone Ridge mall and he answered I was very excited. I told him who I was and why I was calling even though he knew all of that. He found my name on the list and told me how the grading went. HE said that to make the traveling team someone had to at LEAST score a sixty, then he told me that the maximum score for the traveling team was a 120, I was very anxious because he was taking a long time to tell me how I did. HE finally told me that I scored a 115 out of a 120 and he said welcome to the Bay Area Dynamics. I was jumping around and smiling so much, people were looking at me like I was crazy and I said thank you and got off the phone. My mother was in another part of the mall so I called her and told her, I texted all of my friends and told them that I made it. It was only a couple of minutes before a few of my cheerleaders that i coach, and my aunts and cousins started to call me a text me congratlating me on making the All star team.

My mom had called them all and told all o them in less then five minutes, all I could think was wow i made the team and boy does news travel fast. But I am very excited that i made the team. I can't wait until practice starts and I finally get to see the uniforms. YAY!

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