Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Garcia Girls Part 3

In the last section of this great book, How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents I found it quite interesting. On some parts of this book I could not really get into the book like I wanted to but it was nice. In the last section of the book it is talking about their child hood and then it goes back around to the beginning. While in class we discussed this part of how at the end of the book it went right back to the beginning. We made jokes of how we would have to keep rereading it over and over for the rest of the semester because this book was a circle. I thought about this for a while and I finally understood that the purpose of this story was the story was a circle.

The way the women were raised by their parents was shown different when they grew up into grown women.  For instance when Yoyo was a little girl she was paired up with her boy cousin. They were the only co-ed pair and they were always together. All the adult women always told her that she should stop hanging out with him and start hanging out with the girls. So she could practice being a girl instead of staying in that phase of being a tomboy. One day for a present she received, from her mamita, a drum with a set of drum sticks to go with it. She loved that drum set and she beat the drum like there was no tomorrow. She annoyed her mother with it so she was told to go outside with it.

She broke one of her sticks and her aunt sat on the other stick when it was on the couch. She says it was not the same when she used other objects to play her drum, but she used them anyway. She found Kittens in the shed in the backyard one day and she really liked one of them so she decided to take it. She was scared because of the mother cat. So she stuffed it in the drum and beat on the drum so the mother cat would not hear the meowing of her baby. The mother cat came into her bed room every night after that day until they moved away to the States.

When she got older she was much more of a lady and she was always with the ladies. She grew out of the tom boy stage and became a woman of the states. She grew out of her accent along with her other sisters, only to return to the Dominican Republic again one day.

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