Friday, November 12, 2010

I Made It!

It was about two weeks ago when I had to go to my first cheerleading practice so I could learn the Tryout dance. I was supposed to go with my friend Katrina Dizon but she was to nervous to go with me and she didn't have a ride to the practice area. On the first I got there on time and I was excited but I was also nervous because I knew i would not know anyone there. I was getting over my cold so I was not feeling the best. We had to go inside and I had to stretch. I did not know what I was in for because I half stretched not knowing I would regret it the next day, and went straight into practicing my jumps. When I was done with my jumps it was time to start learning the dance.

There were only a few other girls present besides me, so we learned the first part of the dance  in about fifteen minutes. When we all knew the first part of the dance we moved onto the next part of the dance. We learned that in about fifteen minutes minimum. When we got the whole tryout dance done it was time to go home, so we left for the night to go and practice the dance. When I got home I showed my parents and sibling what I just learned. I would stop a few times trying to remember the next step. I got to school and I would practice in PE class. I practiced all the time even though I was very sore because I should have correctly stretched. I would go to coach my cheerleaders who were getting ready for their cheerleading competition in a couple of days.

The next couple of practices were about the same with the same people. On the last practice a couple of days before the actual tryouts there were more people at that practice than any other practice before. This time my friend Katrina came and learned the rest of the dance that I did not have enough time to teach her. At this practice we went over the dance slowly then we sped it up a little bit each time. When the coaches felt like we had the dance down we went on to jumps and because I have high jumps I went up in front of all the girls with a few other girls up there with me. After we did our jumps we went up into stunts. I was a flyer for a while then I moved into being the back spotter. That was really fun to me, I like the stunt I was put into. I asked some of the girls if they had practiced the dance on their free time, they said no they did not because they knew it .

When the tryout day came, I was very upset because there was a bunch of traffic going into Alameda and I was late. But when I got there I was happy because they did not start yet but i was going in the next group. I have never tried out for a cheerleading squad before so i did not know what to expect. I had to tryout alone in front of five judges.  When I got there, the girls that I had asked if they practiced on their free time were the ones who were the most nervous and did not have the dance down tight. Me in the other hand, I was very prepared because I always practiced when I was not doing anything.

Continued on to the next blog.

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