Friday, November 12, 2010

Response to Alex Tang's Issue Of Violence

I came upon this quote while reading through Alex Tang's Post,

I am tired of hearing about the on going violence that has destroyed the city of Oakland. People need to grow up and learn how to deal with their problems in a peaceful and formal way. Violence can not be the response to everything because that will only make the cycle of violence continue.
I agree with Alex when he says he is tired of hearing this. I can really understand where he is coming from with this. With all of the violence going on in Oakland little kids are getting killed because of stupid mistakes that people make by trying to kill people. People have in wars and kill an innocent bystander by accident and take away a life. With this cycle of violence Alex is right, it will never end. Lets say I did not like a person because of something they did a long time ago so I killed that person thinking it would solve the problem. That person might have a friend who would kill for them so they come and kill me, then I have a friend who kills that friend. That is how it always is with this violence. It will never end until  someone becomes the bigger person and stops killing.

He is right, this ongoing violence is killing Oakland along with its reputation. People who are not from Oakland feel as if they will get killed coming to Oakland or fear that their kids lives are in danger if they come here. Little do they know that there are actually safe parts of Oakland. Oakland has really changed since my parents times of living here. They used to be able to walk down the streets at night and be perfectly safe, now a parent is scared for their kids lives when they stand in front of the house. My big brother is scared for me and my little siblings to walk around West Oakland because he fears that we might get hurt because of all the crazy youth that just kill people for the fun of it or because of the accidental deaths that occur among the youth today.

With this cycle of violence people will keep killing people. Someone will have to stop it soon or else things will get uglier then they already are. And as of now things are pretty ugly. So imagine if they got uglier.

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