Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Garcia Girls Part 2

In the second part of the book of how "The Garcia girls Lost Their Accents" it is a bit more confusing to me than the first part. I feel as if the first part was much more clear than the second part. In this second part of the book multiple things happen that show the girls foundation and their living styles before they got older. In one of the short vignettes titled Trespass Carla who as the oldest girl experienced things that she was never exposed to in the Dominican Republic before they moved to New York. When she first started at her school she did not know what to expect and the first couple of months her mother caught the bus with her before and after school. When her mother stopped catching the bus with her, she would get to school and,

"...a gang of boys chased after her, calling her names... out of the sight of the nuns, the boys pelted Carla with stones, aiming them at her feet so there would be no bruises. " (pg 153) 
In this someone can see that she was treated with great disrespect and with no compassion of welcoming a new student into their school. She had been tortured so bad by these boys that she would have nightmares about them, she would wake up at night and see them at the foot of her bed laughing at her, the only way she could get rid of them is by closing her eyes and escaping with the dark of her eyelids closed. Not only did she get harassed by the boys but she also got followed by a pervert one day after school which resulted in an interview with the police after her mother called them.

Like I said before I find that the second part was more confusing then the first part, to me When they were older and grown women the author made more clear of the events that occurred. As they get younger it seems more confusing. It is still very interesting to read about how they turned out before actually reading about their foundation. It stays getting interesting as I read on. I find it very interesting how drastically their lives change as they move from the Dominican Republic to New York. It seems as if they become very different people who do not come from a background of strict rules.

Overall I find that as the book progresses on it gets more confusing but at the same time it gets more interesting because I always want to know what happened before what I just read.

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