Friday, January 14, 2011

The Hard Way or The Easy Way?

Okay so I am going to talk about relationships today. Well I was talking to one of my friends today after schhool and we were talking about what we would put up with in a guy, what type of guys we like etc. My response to this was, I like guys who cute, who are taller then me, light skinned or dark skinned either one works for me, they have to be respectful and nice but at the same time can handle a situation when it is time for it. My friends response was, she liked dark or light skinned guys and taller then her and cute. I asked her, "What if he was sexy as hell but he had a stank attitude and was disrespectful and called her out of her name in public and infront of his friends?" She aid, "Oh I dont care about that just as long as he is cute and if he say something disrespectful to me infront if his friends like call me a "bitch" then I will be like Nigga please, so then he will be embarrassed infront of his friends and not me."

I looked at her like she was crazy. The point of this little story is to point out what girls would put up with just to be in a relationship. Ypung girls now a days will let a boy disrespect them, call them oput of their names, and their response to this is well I was being a bitch, or well he doesn't mean it, or he is just doing that while his friends are around. When I hear a young girl say this, all I can think of is what kind of relationship they will have when they are grown. I really dont get it, why will girls go through all this stuff with a guy?

Now I wouldn't even go out with a rude, stuck-up, disrespectful, self obsessed guy. But if a guy were to disrespect me in public or even if we were alone it wouyld be over right then and there, and if he hit me it would really be on we would be fighting or he would get beat down by all my uncles, brothers, dad, and boy cousins. But I will not put up with disrespect from a guy because that is a waste of my time and I could be doing something productive with my life. I just wish all girls would have this logic and end their relationship before it gets out of control. Well I guess they will have to learn the hard way.

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