Sunday, January 23, 2011

Should Teens Be Able To Vote

I chose the con side of this debate. My reasons for saying teens should not be able to vote are, teens are heavily influenced by others, teens are from the age thirteen to nineteen which is an eighth grader to a freshmen in college; also the maturity level of a teenager is low.
  When a person votes for a person to be president, it should be their own opinion and reasoning of why they believe that person should be president. A teenager who is easily influenced by their peers, their parents, family members or any other person does not need to be allowed to vote. If you really think about it a teenager is from thirteen to nineteen. Now the present age for voting now is eighteen. We are not yet thinkjing for ourselves. We are influenced by everything everyday, we live with our parents our whole lives and we listen to what they have to say and start to believe them. Now when we go out the house and hear people say things that disagree with what we were taught and what we "believe" we do not agree with them. OUr decisions we make are not full decisions, they are thought that were not formed by ourselves, they were formed by others.
  Our maturity level is not high. A great example of this is when I was sitting in PE class, what I saw from the freshmen that I was with. The things that they said, the things that they talked about were not smart and well thought out. My friend Amber Gomez pointed it out to me, they are the future and the things that they do and say is a good reason of why they should not be able to vote.
Your brain doesn’t fully mature until you reach about 25 years of age.
This is a prime example of why teens should not be able to vote. Going back to what a teenager is, I do not feel that an eighth grader should vote for president, they don't even know enough about politics to have their own opinion. We all know that teenagers want their voices to be heard, yes I am apart of that teenage group but I kow that I along with all other teenagers of the world are not old enough, mature anough, and independent minded enough to know who they want for president.

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