Friday, January 21, 2011

Political Power

In my opinion I feel that people don't go in to politics with corrupt thought on their mind. I feel that they get so caught up with the power that they let it get to their heads. When the power gets to their heads they manipulate their power and that corruptness grows on them. I feel that when a person has no power and they think about if they have power they would do the right thing. But they only say this because they have not yet contained that power. But when they finally get that power, their earlier thought of not being corrupt get thrown out the window and they become power corrupt.

An example from the book when the pigs started to become corrupt is at the en of chapter two when the pigs get the milk of the cows. In the book it says:
"...and when they came back in the evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared."
In this quote it is evident that the pigs begin to get the power that they always had but limited them when Major was alive. They begin to get thing that the other animals wanted but could not get because they were not as smart as the pigs. They were illiterate, but the pigs dominated because Major was a pig and he was leader so they felt it was natural for pigs to be the leaders.

I think George Orwell's response to this question would be the same as mine. I say this because the pigs did not start off as power greedy but when they held the power, when they got the last say, when they got to make decisions for themselves and the other animals they took that to their heads. The pigs are just using the other animals to progress in their own power of everything.

This is just like the government, I feel Orwell would say that it may not be peoples intentions to be corrupt but they end up that way once they get the power to lead others or once they just have the power to do what they want done. Like the pigs did, they made sure they got the apples and the milk knowing the other animals wanted those benefits as well but they "persuaded" the animals that they needed it because they were smarter.

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