Sunday, December 12, 2010

Warriors Don't Cry POst 2

We are now at the second paperclip. The book is getting very good. I am really into it now, I am really enjoying the fact that I get to know a little about what went on with some of my ancestors back in the days, and even some of my great aunts. IN this part along with a little of the first part, Malbe the main character is going through hell at this school and she starts to question her decison to go the Central to integrate it. On Thursday in our lit circle discussion groups we discussed a level three question. Gina asked a question about where the line is  drawn for a police officer between when he is a civilian just like any other person, and when he is on duty.

This question was a very deep question because in our story some of the police officers were throwing down their badges while standing to protect the Little Rock nine from getting killed. My response ton Gina's question was that I felt a police officer is always on duty, even when they are at home sleeping, they are on duty. We connected it to the Oscar grant case. About where the line is drawn for Meserly of when he can kill a person and call it doing his job, and when he kills a person and he is not on duty. and when he is a trained officer doing his job that he was told to do. I feel that if an officer throws down his badge then he is no longer on the line of office but if he stands up0 there like a man and follows the orders he is given, then he is more than a man and he has the right to kill to protect.

In the book because one of the girls got expelled things at the school got worse. One of the white men was a selfish man, he was willing to throw one of the black students to the mob in order to save his life and the lives of the other black kids. Luckily A man was there who had a complete different opiniopn as them and saved their lives. IN this book blacks are not treated as equals clearly and they are hated and they are wanted dean by many people. But will thewy survive the school year and get to summer break? I think they will, but I will soon find out.

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