Saturday, December 4, 2010

Phrases That Will Make a Cao Girl Go Insane: Response

  While reading through my peers blogs I came upon a very interesting one that I can greatly connect to. I was reading Tiffany's posts and I saw this one that really grabbed my attention
." Oh My God." Why does it have to be God? Can't it be "Oh my goodness" or "Oh my gosh?" Tons of people use this phrase with respect and some people use it like it's a dust.
IN this post Tiffany is saying that this is one of the phrases that she hates people to say. She says it drives her insane. I can agree with her, it drives me insane as well but for a different reason and on a different level as hers. I am a Christian girl who reads the bible, and in the bible it says not to use God's name in vain. So since I was a little girl I was brought up not to say God's name in vain. When I hear people say it, to be honest it makes me feel weird because I was taught to not say that word.

When I am with my bestest friends who I grew up with they all know not to say God around her, and if anyone is around her and says "God" she will let them know that they are not allowed to say that around her. When I get with my friends I say OMGOSH! or even OMGOODNESS! If I am texting someone or putting a post on facebook I say OMGOSH! and OMGOODNESS! as well. I sometimes wonder why people don't say "Oh my gosh" but my mother doesn't even like me to say "Oh my Gosh" because she says the word "gosh" is to close to "God"

So agreeing with Tiffany people should really say gosh and goodness instead of God.

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