Friday, December 17, 2010

Warriors Don't Cry Part 3

In today's discussion me and my group discussed if we thought if it was the right thing for Melba to go to Central High school to integrate it. We also asked if she should be grateful that she went and integrated the school. Gina's answer to this question was that she thinks she should not be grateful about it. Peter said the same thing, that he believes that she should not be grateful about going to the school because of the experience she had, and because of the things she went through everyday. Although I see where they are coming from, I have to disagree with them. I feel that she should be grateful about going to Central, even though she was harassed and bothered throughout her high school experience. She was one of the great, brave leaders who made it possible for me to go to school with other races besides my own, and to get the same opportunities as them.

Another thing that we talked about was how the word "nigga" went from being an insult, thrown at blacks from whites, to being a way to greet people or just another word thrown around unconsciously. I feel that people don't really understand it, I see black people walk up to one another saying, "Wassup nigga." I don't think they know how long our people fought and how much they fought just to not be called that, and here we go seeing blacks calling each other that like it aint' nothing. Same thing goes with the bus, I am actually guilty for this one. Our people fought to be able to sit on the front of the bus. Rosa Parks went to jail just to sit in the front of the bus. Now if you look in the back of, there is a majority of black people. Do we not care about what our people fought for, or is it that we are to ignorant to see it.

Another thing we talked about was how she ended up marrying a white man, when in her high school years, she never pictured herself marrying a white man.  That is what the white people feared, and that was one of the reasons the whites didn't want the blacks integrating the schools because they felt that they would be grandparents of mixed babies. While Melba was in high school and she heard that they parents thought they would marry their kids, she said she would never do that she only wanted to get her education and leave. But in the future she ended  up marrying a white man. I feel that she should have married Link, which is the guy who saved her throughout her junior year at Central. I feel that if any white men, it should have been him, and plus he liked her but she was afraid they would get hurt because of the racial differences.

I love this book, and I like to know what my people went through. I always like to learn more about my history.

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