Sunday, January 23, 2011

Should Teens Be Able To Vote

I chose the con side of this debate. My reasons for saying teens should not be able to vote are, teens are heavily influenced by others, teens are from the age thirteen to nineteen which is an eighth grader to a freshmen in college; also the maturity level of a teenager is low.
  When a person votes for a person to be president, it should be their own opinion and reasoning of why they believe that person should be president. A teenager who is easily influenced by their peers, their parents, family members or any other person does not need to be allowed to vote. If you really think about it a teenager is from thirteen to nineteen. Now the present age for voting now is eighteen. We are not yet thinkjing for ourselves. We are influenced by everything everyday, we live with our parents our whole lives and we listen to what they have to say and start to believe them. Now when we go out the house and hear people say things that disagree with what we were taught and what we "believe" we do not agree with them. OUr decisions we make are not full decisions, they are thought that were not formed by ourselves, they were formed by others.
  Our maturity level is not high. A great example of this is when I was sitting in PE class, what I saw from the freshmen that I was with. The things that they said, the things that they talked about were not smart and well thought out. My friend Amber Gomez pointed it out to me, they are the future and the things that they do and say is a good reason of why they should not be able to vote.
Your brain doesn’t fully mature until you reach about 25 years of age.
This is a prime example of why teens should not be able to vote. Going back to what a teenager is, I do not feel that an eighth grader should vote for president, they don't even know enough about politics to have their own opinion. We all know that teenagers want their voices to be heard, yes I am apart of that teenage group but I kow that I along with all other teenagers of the world are not old enough, mature anough, and independent minded enough to know who they want for president.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Political Power

In my opinion I feel that people don't go in to politics with corrupt thought on their mind. I feel that they get so caught up with the power that they let it get to their heads. When the power gets to their heads they manipulate their power and that corruptness grows on them. I feel that when a person has no power and they think about if they have power they would do the right thing. But they only say this because they have not yet contained that power. But when they finally get that power, their earlier thought of not being corrupt get thrown out the window and they become power corrupt.

An example from the book when the pigs started to become corrupt is at the en of chapter two when the pigs get the milk of the cows. In the book it says:
"...and when they came back in the evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared."
In this quote it is evident that the pigs begin to get the power that they always had but limited them when Major was alive. They begin to get thing that the other animals wanted but could not get because they were not as smart as the pigs. They were illiterate, but the pigs dominated because Major was a pig and he was leader so they felt it was natural for pigs to be the leaders.

I think George Orwell's response to this question would be the same as mine. I say this because the pigs did not start off as power greedy but when they held the power, when they got the last say, when they got to make decisions for themselves and the other animals they took that to their heads. The pigs are just using the other animals to progress in their own power of everything.

This is just like the government, I feel Orwell would say that it may not be peoples intentions to be corrupt but they end up that way once they get the power to lead others or once they just have the power to do what they want done. Like the pigs did, they made sure they got the apples and the milk knowing the other animals wanted those benefits as well but they "persuaded" the animals that they needed it because they were smarter.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Class Discussion Blog

I read through the papers in class and I have come to the conclusion of the worst one and the best one. The one I feel is the best is What You Do vs. Where You Go. My reason behind this is I feel that the author supports her arguments that she gives well and she doesn't go off topic and she m,akes sense with her writing. She talks about how people think that celebrities went to all these top schools and that is how they because famous, when in actuality they did not go to an elite school. They in fact went to a non elite school, and with that they became famous for what they wanted to do ith their lives. One of her quotes is about some famous people who went to non elite colleges who people thought did attend an elite school,
The “oohs” and “aahs” follow as the audience learns that Steven Spielberg, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dropped out of college, that Oprah Winfrey is an alumna of Tennessee State and that Ken Burns graduated from Hampshire College. If even a few stressed students and their anxious parents benefit from this information, it is a worthwhile exercise.
In this we can clearly see that people clearly expect that the famous and wealthy got their education at a wealthy, high propped school. When in fact oprah Winfrey went to a simple school like Tennessee State.

The article that I found to be, not the worst but not the best either was Access To Money and Power. My reason for this being my least favorite is that I do not agree with what he is saying. Because what he is saying is that if you go to a less selective college then you will not become a wealthy person and you are spending a lot of money there and stuff. He may have statistics on what he is argueing but I do not agree that a person who went to Harvard has any type of a better chance at being wealthy then a person who attended Cal State Bakersfield. 
In conclusion I feel he has a weak and bias arguement and I do not agree with it.

Response Post: Lhadze's False Relationships

I was looking through the freshmen blog posts and I came across one of Lhandze's posts titled False Relationships. She had a very interesting thing she said and it was:
Its horrible and I was mad about it. I don't even know why people cheat! I did everything I could and this is how they treat me. It's a huge gap in your life when this happens. You feel unwanted, and you almost rust, and feel broken.
In what she said, I really focused on one sentence where she said, " I did everything I could..." I do not agree with the fact that she said she did everything she could to please him. Like why do you have to do everything? Why can't he try and please you sometime? But I can also see where she is coming from, no guy has any right to cheat on any girl and vice versa.
When she says tat she feels broken, unwanted, and you almost rust I wonder how anyone can make you feel that way. I have never been cheated on before but I know for a fact that no one could ever make me feel like that. I would never allow anyone to make me feel like that. It gives them pleasure to know they hurt you and it only shows that you are weak. Now because I know that I'm not weak, I know that this won't ever happen to me.
I know that it may hurt for a little while  but they ways she said she felt make it seem like this will be a forever thing, like all guys will cheat on her and like she has no reason to live or something.
Well I just hope that all girls don't feel like this if they ever get cheated on, because this doesn't sound like fun. It sounds a bit over exaggerated but it isn't me so whatever.

The Hard Way or The Easy Way?

Okay so I am going to talk about relationships today. Well I was talking to one of my friends today after schhool and we were talking about what we would put up with in a guy, what type of guys we like etc. My response to this was, I like guys who cute, who are taller then me, light skinned or dark skinned either one works for me, they have to be respectful and nice but at the same time can handle a situation when it is time for it. My friends response was, she liked dark or light skinned guys and taller then her and cute. I asked her, "What if he was sexy as hell but he had a stank attitude and was disrespectful and called her out of her name in public and infront of his friends?" She aid, "Oh I dont care about that just as long as he is cute and if he say something disrespectful to me infront if his friends like call me a "bitch" then I will be like Nigga please, so then he will be embarrassed infront of his friends and not me."

I looked at her like she was crazy. The point of this little story is to point out what girls would put up with just to be in a relationship. Ypung girls now a days will let a boy disrespect them, call them oput of their names, and their response to this is well I was being a bitch, or well he doesn't mean it, or he is just doing that while his friends are around. When I hear a young girl say this, all I can think of is what kind of relationship they will have when they are grown. I really dont get it, why will girls go through all this stuff with a guy?

Now I wouldn't even go out with a rude, stuck-up, disrespectful, self obsessed guy. But if a guy were to disrespect me in public or even if we were alone it wouyld be over right then and there, and if he hit me it would really be on we would be fighting or he would get beat down by all my uncles, brothers, dad, and boy cousins. But I will not put up with disrespect from a guy because that is a waste of my time and I could be doing something productive with my life. I just wish all girls would have this logic and end their relationship before it gets out of control. Well I guess they will have to learn the hard way.