Friday, February 25, 2011

Quickwrite #2

 "Family and honor should take priority over the rights of the individual family member."
In the chapter of the book titled Scar, I feel that the way An-mei's mother would respond to this is she would be on both sides of this argument. I say she would be on both sides of the argument because she did run away from her family to be with a man while she was a widow, which was against all tradition in her family. but on the contrary she  did cut a piece of her skin to put in the soup when her mother was on her death bed. So her mother would say that family honor should take priority over the rights of the individual because when it all comes down to it they are the leaders and they are the ones who you will eventually have to go back to when you are in need. Just like she did, she wanted to see her kids because she hadn't seen them since she left and she was a disgrace to her family so that did not help her situation at all. But she would be on the opposing side of this because she knows that at some point in their lives they have to be on their own and do what they have to do in order to live their lives. Just like she did, she made her own decision to run away and marry a man who already had two wives of his own. All of this happened while she was supposed to be a sad widow.

I feel that An-Mei would be on the pro side of this because she grew up with her grandmother who we all know is all for this because she is a traditional person. And like we discussed if you are taught something at a young age and you are exposed to other people's opinions, you start to believe that it is your own opinion even when we all know that it isn't.

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