Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Animal Farm and Egypt Connections

The connection that I see between the revolution Orwell described in his book, Animal farm and the events in Egypt, Tunisia, Honduras etc. are that when the animals in Animal Farm protested, many of the protests if not all of them resulted in deaths of the animals, like the animals that confessed to Napoleon that they were talking to snowball on the down low. Now in Egypt and other places the protests also result in people dieing. An example of deaths was when the man burned himself alive or the hundred or so people who dies as a result of the government fighting back. In Egypt I found that people are risking their lives by laying on tires of the tanks posted on the streets.

Another connection between Animal Farm and the uprisings in Egypt etc. is that the protests start in one place and they spread to another place. Like the protest started in Egypt and within days it spread to Lydia, then Tunisia, then Honduras and they say it is going to Yemen. In the book Animal farm they started their revolution on their farm, then the word spread to other farms by word of mouth, or in their case the bird Moses spread it to the other farms, and from there it kept going around.

In the book the Animals were hungry for food and freedom, in Egypt the Egyptians are hungry for money and freedom. They both want something and because they can't get ti their way by being civilized animals and people, the only thing left for them to do is to protest until they get what they want and start a revolution so they won't have to follow orders from a person they don't respect or believe is a good leader for them.

This part is kind of true for Egypt but it is definitely true for Animal farm. IN Animal Farm the animals got what they wanted in a way. They wanted freedom and food, so they got their food and freedom. But they did not plan on having the pigs being accustomed to the human ways, walking on two legs, talking and playing poker and living in the house. In Egypt they are fighting for their freedom,and from what I hear about the president stepping down, they are only getting closer to what they want.

In both the book and Egypt they revolt for similar things, they use similar ways to come up with their plans to revolt. the only difference is that one is a book and the other one is real life.

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