Friday, March 4, 2011

In Class Quickwrite: Joy Luck Club POst #2

In  my opinion I feel that the purpose of the introductory piece on page 87 in the book is to show that when kids do not obey their parents there is always a consequence to pay. In the introductory the little girl did not listen to her mother when she told her not to ride her bike around the corner because she would not be able to help her if she fell off. When the girl did not listen to her mother she did just as her mother predicted, she would off of her bike before she even got to the corner. So I feel that this is saying that mothers know what's best for their children and when they are not obeyed by their children the kids will always suffer the consequences. Or when they take their mother's words for granted, they wind up in trouble or in a situation they do not want to be in.

In the story "Rules Of The Game" her mother was very proud of her daughter's chess skills and she loved to brag about her to people she encountered. One day the daughter confronted the mother and said,
"I wish you wouldn't do that, tell everybody I'm your daughter... Aiii-ya. So shame be with mother?...It's not that, its just so obvious. its just so embarrassing... Embarrass you be my daughter?...I jerked my hand out of my mother's tight grasp and spun around knocking into an old woman. Her bags of groceries spilled to the ground...I took off , I raced down the street, dashing between people, not looking back as my mother screamed shrilly, 'Meimei! Meimei!..'"
in this quote the narrator Waverly Jong was embarrassed by her mother and she took her mother's praises for granted and she ran away. She did not run away for long, but she was out of her mother's sight and she could have gotten hurt. In a way she did get hurt because when she did finally make it home her mother said,
"We not concerning this girl. This girl not have concerning for us."
 So from this quote her mother basically disowned her and said they had nothing to do with her. That was her move and now the next move had to be made by the daughter. so all in all the introductory meant that when you listen to your mother, good will come to you, but if you do not listen to her then bad will greet you on your way to disobedience.

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