Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Speak & Sisterhood of The Dropped Stitches Comparison

In the book "Sisterhood of the Dropped Stitches" there was a lot of miscommunication. The characters talked to each other but they did not communicate to each other on how they were feeling about certain events that went on in their lives. An example is from my previous post when they did not talk to each other about how they were feeling about a guy. When this occurred people were hurt and sad but they did not talk about it which kept confusion in the air.

In the book "Speak" that I am currently reading there is a girl named Malinda who is the main character. She has a similar problem as the guys and girls from "Sisterhood of the Dropped Stitches". But her problem is she chooses not to talk and communicate with others because she does not want them, to now how she truly feels. Her view on the situation is, that the less people know about me and my life and how I feel, the better things will be for me. But this is not the case because she is classifies as one of the weird kids at the school which puts her into a deeper depression, and her teachers and parents are calling her out on how she does not speak at all. With them calling her out, she gets into trouble at school for being quiet about her feelings. IN this story the message that people get when she does not respond to them is that she is ignoring them and she does not care about what they are saying.

The similarities in these two stories are that people tend to try and read how you feel by your actions and your facial expressions. In most cases they read your face completely wrong which causes the confusion. This all goes back to miscommunication. IN the first story, if they just talk to each other about how they feel about one another then people would be clear on the situation. In the second story if she just opens up to one person about how she feels, or even write it down in a journal or she could express her feelings through another form of art. If she just did something instead of keeping her feeling bottled up in her body all the time, she would free herself from a whole lot of drama from others and pain inside. 

So when people communicate with one another, everything is clear and no misreading of facial expressions and actions can occur. Which in the end makes everyone satisfied with the results of the occasion.

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