Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sisterhood Of The Dropped Stitches Post #1

In my book there are a few characters that I would like to zoom in on. This little part that I will explain contains confusion among new forming couples in my book. There are two women who are apart of a group called The Sisterhood Of The Dropped Stitches for four girls with cancer. It was a way for them to get away from the world, knit and have support from people who understand what they are going through. The two girls Carly and Marilee have been cancer free for six years now and have been setting goals for themselves. Marilee's goal is to have three dates by their deadline, and Carly's goal is to get a foreign cat. Carly has already accomplished her goal, but something goes wrong. Marilee has not yet met her goal and the deadline is the following Thursday. Carly and Marilee are like sisters so they would not do anything to hurt the other person. Marilee used to have a huge crush on Randy before the cancer came into her life, he asked her on a date but she rejected and she has regretted that ever since. That is until she met Quinn she thought she still had feelings for Randy after six years.

Carly knows that Marilee likes the grill guy and in order for Marilee to meet her goal she has to go on that date she has been wanting for six years. But what Carly doesn't know is that Marilee has gotten feelings for Quinn so when Carly's cat goes missing they invite Randy to help just to make a date out of it for Randy and Marilee. Instead Carly and Randy match up and Quinn and Marilee match up. Marilee goes on a few more dates with Quinn but she doesn't count them as dates and that hurts him because he later finds out that her and randy went on a date when Randy got rejected by Carly and Marilee counted that as a date. Quinn avoids and ignored Marilee and she doesn't understand and when Marilee and Carly finally talk Carly finds out that Marilee doesn't like Randy and she is free to date him and she talks to Quinn and they all end up happy.

In this little snippet of their lives we see that there were examples of miscommunication, loyalty, jealousy, Friends before feelings, not letting a guy get between your friendship. I feel that the biggest one in this story in the miscommunication that occurred. If they all just opened up and stopped hiding their feelings then none of this would have happened. if Carly would have just talked to Marilee about Randy she would have known that Marilee had feelings for Quinn and no more for Randy. And if Quinn would have just talked to Marilee about the situation and find out what was really going on instead of being a baby and pouting and ignoring her because at that moment he didn't get what he wanted.

In life we often jump to conclusions and never really know the truth until much later, but we need to talk and stop hiding fwhat we feel from people we care about.


  1. Hi Rahni,
    Overall, I find that your post starts out very clear and to the point. I understand the conflict of the book and the background information help very much. But in the middle I got lost when you began to explain the characters' feelings for each other, in this sentence "Marilee goes on a few more dates with Quinn but she doesn't count them as dates and that hurts him because he later finds out that her and randy went on a date when Randy got rejected by Carly and Marilee counted that as a date."

  2. You did a good job in covering part of the book in a summary. It give me a view on what the book is really about, but one thing that I think you should expand more is your own thought on the book. You put to much emphasize in what was going on in the story. Instead, you should write more about your own thought about the book and how you think it relates to the world.

  3. This book doesn't really seem like the sort of book that I would be interested in. This book seems sort of like the Garcia Girls or The Joy Luck club where it is following the lives of multiple characters at once(in this case all female characters). This book seems like it could be interesting if you like this style of bookin general, but this usually doesn't appeal to me.
